The annual Moor Park Jam took place on the 4th Aug, Sunday just gone. With the Met Office predicting a thunder and lightning storm from 9am, things were tense. However, despite the inevitable down pour, things managed to proceed without a hitch, with the day going to plan, until the storm did finally set in around 4PM. From, best trick to the crowning of ‘The King of The Moshers’, the day was jam packed with plenty of stuff for everyone. Check out below for a full round up by event organised Ryan Robinson, with photos from Kris Restall. With the imminent proper British summer weather swirling madly above our heads, things didn’t look promising, with music setup from local vinyl spinning legends AV-1 and The Nodding Dog Disco, it looked as if it’d rain, the speaker system would get fucked and everything would have totally gone to the dogs. But in true Prestonian fashion, we slugged on. As 12 o’clock came, the skies broke in a miracle we haven’t seen since immaculate conception of Christ (if you buy into that nonsense). BLUE SKIES. FREEDOM. �So, Stuart ‘SLAM’ Lamb, the UK’s answer to Andy Roy kicked off proceedings with a nose blunt rag in 1st try, the wall ride jam began. The heavy hitters in this were Daniel ‘Liffy’ Lythgoe, pulling in a ridiculous standup grind off the end of the wallride and into the adjacent bank. Like a bat out of hell Logan Dell-Wilkinson stepped things up with his vert legs, boosting over the wall to 50-50 drop in. Absolutely mental. And Logan was only getting himself started. Next off to a bang on the ledge over the hip. With some fat idiot working the microphone asking way too much of people who were skating, it was only a matter of time before someone shut this obstacle down. Josh Cobbin gets a honourable mention for a crackin’ BS Blunt to crack off the proceedings. Rikk Fields, the Wigan Warrior, absolutely ruined the fun for everyone by blasting in this stupidly clean Noseblunt slide across the ledge, backing himself up with a solid nosegrind revert, just because well.… why not?

Followed up by Tuesday’s very own Tom Cottam, with a casual FS Smith, Lipslide and a few other bits that he was too good for anyone to actually capture at the time.
Then we took things straight over to the best curb in the UK (Yes, I’m calling that title, prove me wrong). Everyone’s a little scared of the curb… I’m looking at you Rikk. But you know who doesn’t give a shit what everyone else thinks, the resident mosher and King Of The Curb, Liffy. This frontside standup was just 1 of many many more bits he got on it, (check out the latest video for more evidence of his curbed enthusiasm).

And Bob, who you can see sporting his well earned Mersey Grit sexi boi 1/1 hot pants, with a nice rockslide across the curb. As the skies started to look more and more like the devils anus, it seemed an appropriate time as any to kick off the bowl jam. Now, you’re thinking, ah mellow bowl jam, nothing out of the ordinary there… Yeah well, you tell that to the 11 foot wall of concrete consuming you from all angles as you slip into a coma. This bowl is no joke. Not at all. It’s rarely given the treatment it deserves, but this was no ordinary day. From Rikk’s huge BS AIR, to Logan’s fakie ollie and mouthwatering handplant, no stone was left unturned. Huge props to Tom Cottam for the Nosepick to Fakie on the deep, and if anyone wants to take him for a psychological evaluation, I think that’s overdue after witnessing that. Tom, no one goes back to fakie on that thing, it’s just not normal, but wow, absolute animal.

My personal highlight was Leigh Devine kamikaze-ing the steepest bit of transition in the bowl which is roughly about 4 foot of vert, to do a dog pisser. Was it worth it, Leigh? Of course it fucking was.
So as I wrestled the megaphone out of Slam’s hands, the heavens opened… and it was over. Success. Tricks done, prizes given, beers drank… what more could you ask for? I want to extend my biggest thank you to everyone who was involved in organise the day, be it supply prizes, ferry me about in cars to pick bits up, or even just attending. Without a strong community behind us, we are nothing, and without each and every person who attended - it wouldn’t have been possible. Thanks to Jack Todd (@toddymctoddpot) and Kris Restall (@rezzie.rez) for the photos, Russ from Mersey Grit, Stefan from Tuesday’s for the prizes and all of you for being a bunch of good eggs. Till next time!