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Let us sit and take a break a from the monotony of constantly scrolling on our phones and throwaway skate parts from the inner depths of Instagram and take ourselves on a little wholesome nostalgia trip.
For those of us over the age of 25ish, you must know the timeless and effortless style of Heath Kirchart, the era of Mind Field, the infamous lip slide down El Toro, the king of the cruise. And can't forget the Easter Egg part in Emerica: Stay Gold. Heath has always been a man of few words and I think that's why people looked up to him, he let his skateboarding do the talking. It's probably also why he seems to be a bit of an enigmatic figure. For the kids, you might remember him from 2015 Thrasher King of The Road where he got his head smashed in by a toilet on wheels.
Since graciously and deservedly taking his retirement from skateboarding probably at the height of his career, rather than milking it for it was worth until he's 40 something with a herniated disc trying to keep up with the kids. Heath was probably the most balls to the wall skateboarder I've ever seen, constantly pushing the limits of what he could do, usually trying to conquer tricks he definitely couldn't do, but did.
Heath has been far from inactive outside of skateboarding, shifting from pushing his physical limits on a skateboard to death-defying travel missions. He recently sat down with the people from Vice, to discuss where he's at and what he's been doing. It's a 45 minute episode, so hopefully you're brain hasn't been messed up too badly by endless scrolling and you can keep your attention, it's worth it.