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Ace Trucks 'TURN RIGHT' feature premiered on Freeskatemag early November featuring in order of appearance Noah Mahieu, Ibu Sanyang, Rémy Taveira, Luis Aponte, Lucien Genand, Lilian Fev, Edouard Depaz, Amélien Foures, Jérôme Sossou, Adrien Chabiron, PJ Chapuis, Charlie Birch, Tom Belot Tom Belot, Samuel Norgen, Alex Richard, Adrian Fuentes, Paul Austin, Santiago Sasson, Harry Lintell, Joseph Biais, Patrick Franklin, Cambrayan Sidelick, Tolya Titaev, Andrea Dupre and Victor Campillo. Filmed and edited by Thomas Vigoureux and Luc Mazières.
Ace Trucks, whilst new to the party, Ace have become a user favourite with their innovative design and looking into what aspects of Truck use can be improved by looking at the closest competitors. Main points of attention were focused on the turn aspect and movement performance.
Click here to shop our full range of Ace Trucks or here to read more in our buyers guide.